Ticketing Platform

Keeping up with the rapid advancement in technology, highways and roadways are now equipped with specialized software to track, trace and manage the ebb and flow of vehicular traffic. The NFC/MOBILE/RFID enabled Toll Ticketing Platform is a first-of-its-kind in South East Asia that was introduced for convenient and seamless end-to-end cashless transactions between toll ticket agents and passengers.

Recognizing the need for quick and efficient ticketing and also the inerrancy of statistics and reports, the Toll Ticketing Platform came in as an ideal solution for transport authorities that were looking to streamline operations and to see revenue rise through the ranks. The rapidly deployable, turnkey toll ticketing system reduces large investments for brick and mortar setups for collection of toll. The system can be easily integrated to automatic gates, loop detectors, CCTV and camera systems enabling an end-to-end comprehensive toll collection system with a data mining and reporting platform.

Case Studies

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Case Study 1

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Case Study 2

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Case Study 3

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Eliminates Fraud
The system eliminates fraudulent activity and transactions with its ability to transfer real-time data, with encryption and security. It also provides hassle-free report generation with robust front-end, powered by industry leading NFC/Mobile based (POS) machines.
Mitigates Human Error
With the systematic function of easy reconciliation of accounts, malfunctions, inefficiency and human error are all mitigated and a systematic compilation and storage of data is achieved.

Accurate Forecasts
Accurate forecast can also be formulated hereby and pricing and categorization of vehicles entering and exiting a given duration is also easily calculated.
Reliability and Convenience
Overall, the NFC/Mobile/RFID enabled Toll Ticketing Platform gives its end users hassle-free, state-of-the-art solutions for reliability and convenience on the go.

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